WHat is human design?

Human Design is a synthesis of four ancient esoteric systems; Astrology, Chinese I-Ching, Kabbalah Tree of Life and Hindu Chakras, with the modern science of Quantum Physics. It was founded about 35 years ago in a mystical way by a man named Ra Uru Ha.

Despite its mystical beginning, Human Design offers practical and actionable tools tailored to your unique design. It is a mechanical understanding of your own being and can be treated as a blueprint that you can keep returning to overtime.

Using your birth details (time,date and location) the Human Design system can reveal how your energy functions, how you cultivate the most aligned opportunities for yourself, how you are designed to make decisions and how you best exchange energy with other people in relationships, parenting, work and more.

Human Design is something to be experimented with.
It isn't a religion, belief system or dogma.

It gives you the opportunity to explore and experiment with the mechanics of your nature, and your evolving consciousness, in order to find out for yourself what works for you. So allow this work to guide and inform you, use it how it is useful to you and take what resonates with you.

Each of us are meant to be different from everyone else.

We may have similarities, but ultimately no one is you. We are here to live our lives and express truths in our own unique way. Yet, we often compare ourselves to other people. Even as children we were often compared to someone else by a parent, caregiver or teachers, sometimes creating an impression that who you are is not okay or enough.

When first discovering your Human Design it may feel like you're being reminded of the person within you that you have always known. If ever you do not resonate with your Design, it's often either because 1) your birth details are not accurate or 2) you have been heavily conditioned. A big part of the process of experimenting with your Human Design is to decondition what was put on you by society, upbringing, education, culture, media and more. Peeling the layer off, bit by bit, so you can return to your most authentic self.

When we understand ourselves better, it also helps us to understand others.

When we understand and accept that others operate differently to us, it naturally brings us together because as a team, society and community, we need each other to function as a complete whole.

We are all built uniquely, so the more we become aware of and begin to honour our differences, the more in flow and harmonious we become within ourselves and in our relationships.

We hope you enjoy your Human Design discovery and experiment!

You don't need to know the specifics of your impact, you being you is all that is required.

When we truly understand that were a part of something greater than ourselves, and that each and every one of our lives has the power to bring about positive change, just by being us …

that ripples out and that’s what is really important.

Natalie Miles, author of “So You Think You're Intuitive?”